Wawa's words

Celtics Game at Bar
Celtics Parade
Not easy to get along with families

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聽說我不來寫書很可惜 每個人都在跟我要我的餐廳list
廢話不多說 回台灣以後會好好寫這些食記
(不過要寫的好像很多,暫時先分類寫名字,想到什麼寫什麼,持續更新中 以免版主忘記自己承諾的事情)

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這是一個奇妙的時刻--我和Ellen, Jill and Linda在Fenway的Game On Bar一同見證Boston Celtics改寫NBA的歷史



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Melissa、Elsa和我去Pinar家玩了幾次,喝了很特別又好喝的土耳其咖啡,也吃了Elsa親手做的Carrot Cake,我們一直嚷著說要組成Shopping Team去大採購,可惜在Pinar離開前我們都沒辦法橋出時間一同出遊。

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今天去Charles River Kayaking

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結果10:50am賴在床上和Danny講完電話還沒接到morning call,想說該不會是放我鳥還是忘了叫我?

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Pajama Night

    We had a pajama party in the last night.
    The weather was beautiful until 9pm, after we had fried fish on the beach. It stared pouring after several thunders and lightnings. Thunders really scared me. Seriously, I didn't want to be hit by the lightening. However, Melissa, Elsa and Pinar didn't care that much cuz they had no clues about what will happen in the next minute-- you bet, the heavy showers. People who live in upper North U.S., or let's say, Boston, seldom have thunders and lightnings. There's no 熱雷雨(or thunder shower). However,people from the tropical or sub-tropical areas are so familiar with this phenomenon.  We brought the umbrellas with us and still walked to marketplace. We would like to have some drinks such as Bahama Mama or other cocktails. Pinar wanna try coconut drinks. After fooling around for a while, it did start rain like crazy. So we decided to have a pajama party indoors.

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I am sitting in Fulton 150, having my last MP4 class, or my last business class in Boston College.
It's 4/30,2008.53F (about 10C) outside. Not too cold and with little sunshine.
I am sitting in the last role with Min,Meellng and Namho as usual.
There's no lecture today but group presentation for 2 GE cases.
Can't believe that all 8 teams do the same case. Half of us get bored while half of people such as Melissa, Manasvi, Philips, Doug, Jeff Turney, Rebecca and Juan are still paying attention to the presentations.

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Due to some reasons, I didn't go to Bahamas with my roommate during the spring break. Instead, I went there with 3 classmates + one first year MBA(Joanna).  It was a memorable experience to go traveling with friends with different backgrounds.
(Five of us speak 4 different mother tongues.)

It's Elsa who initiated the plan and Pinar picked up the package. We chosen the Grand Bahamas Island, Freeport, instead of Nassue, the capital of Bahamas. I just followed up and asked Melissa and Joanna to join this small group.

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4/21是Patriot's Day,是波士頓一年一度馬拉松賽跑的日子,由BAA(Boston Athletic Association)舉辦,從Hopkinton--Ashland--Framingham---Natick--Wellesley---Newton--Brookline--Boston行經主要八個大鎮,終點在Boston Copley Station附近。(全長約26.2miles=38km)


1897-1968之間,Patriot's Day一直是4月19日,此節日似乎只在緬因與麻州等新英格蘭地區被認可,這是為了紀念當年美國獨立戰爭開打,除了碰到週日會將馬拉松順延至週一以外(因週末要上教堂吧!)均在4月19日舉行波士頓馬拉松賽跑。1969年統一規定四月的第三個禮拜一為Patroit's Day。

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Although I didn't sleep a lot yesterday, I woke up at 9am this morning.

It's a huge improvement since I always wake up at 10ish after coming back from LA. I think I got a sleeping problem recently--could not fall asleep even when I am really tired. Even though I take sleeping pill almost every night and have coffee or vitamin B in the morning, it didn't help. Friends also say "Wawa, you look so tired". So, what's wrong with me? I really don't have no clues.

Perhaps  the desire to have Carrot cake is so strong or perhaps I want to prove that I can wake up by myself without Pinar's morning call, I opened my eyes at 7:58am in the beginning. OMG! It's amazing! Although only after a second, I decided to go to bed again. Still, it's memorable to me.

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Rice to riches
有種類繁多的米布丁,全世界僅紐約一家分店,I would like to have it in the near future.

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首先,cafe au lait 用貨真價實的碗公裝的,French toast不是蓋得,洋蔥湯可能太晚喝了就soso,PASTA和另一到菜也都在水準之上,重點是店經理(或老闆)是個長得還不錯的法國帥哥,三不五時來 跟我們哈啦兩句(我們家的Vivian會法文)

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