離開前其實是很忙的、要忙打包、賣家具、運車、還有跟所有朋友say goodbye,把所有沒吃過沒玩過的地方都再走一遭,因此當Linda告訴我6.22在Spectacle Island上有一個小jazz concert時,我考慮一下,就決定把最後一次有機會闖蕩紐約的週末給空了下來,嗯~紐約未來多的是時間去,但這個小島的爵士音樂會應該不是常常有的吧...
到了21日晚上跟Linda double confirm時間的時候,Linda居然說報告可能寫不完、恐怕無法成行,哇!這可不行咧~還我紐約行來~最後阿~好人Linda最後還是被我說服,乖乖利用週六晚上和週日早上寫功課,我們約12pm在碼頭那裡會合....
天算不如人算,第一次想說拿GPS帶路好了,結果不知道地址是怎麼抓的,我居然眼睜睜看著Boston Harbor從我眼前閃過、繼續往南開到不知名的地方,路上都是黑人、街景超恐怖的(好像newwark一樣恐怖)街道越來越亂,都不知道自己開到哪裡,第一次到沒有白人的地方耶......第一次迷路不是很輕鬆的心情、漸漸擔心起自己的安危.......
迷路了20幾分鐘吧、GPS一直帶我走不對的路、washington st根本也不是Boston市區的那條,但是城市我也沒抓錯,就是不知道哪裡出了狀況,偏遠到我從地圖上都不知道自己開到哪裡了,最後只能隨便再設地點,費了千辛萬苦總算又回到碼頭區,魂都掉了一半,原來的船班來不及趕上,好心又可憐的琳達小姐等了我好一陣子呢~
離上次到波士頓離島已經是兩年前的事情了呢!(去Thompson Island做Outward Bound)
航行時間約20分鐘吧!抵達Spectacle Island大約一點半,卻看到很多人往回走,可是....音樂會不是才要開始?
碼頭幾百公尺的地方有一個小小的visitor center,我推測有音樂的地方也許就是"concert"舉辦的地方吧~
沒想到這裡的路設計有點怪,很多路都是一條直直通到山頂、山底上的那圈路是一個沒有出口的圓圈,必須在某個地方的叉路往山下走才會回到原點 @@
說女主唱和樂團的素質都頗好,如果是在lounge bar裡面應該會很享受吧,可是在這個小小島的小小information center裡,我們只能一人搬一張搖椅、望著大海聽音樂囉~(連杯熱咖啡都沒有買、真的是很克難阿)
我們都搭四點半的船回波士頓,連同樂團人員一起撤離,臨走前,在遊客中心裡看Spectacle Island的發展史與介紹(英文全文如下)Spectacle Island在一千年前開始有人住,命名是因為冰河的兩個小冰丘 由沙堆連在一起,看起來很像一副眼鏡。這個島以盛產甲殼類動物&水中生物聞名。Spectacle Island從伐木業到檢疫的隔離所、到建立休閒中心、燈塔,最後因埋垃圾而被改變了地理景觀、然後開始廣植樹木,島的面積就增為105公畝啦!
Spectacle Island Short History : http://www.bostonislands.org
Spectacle Island was created by massive glaciers that engulfed present-day New England during the last Ice Age. We know that people began living on Spectacle Island over a millennium ago, utilizing the abundant resources of aquatic life and shellfish nearby for their survival. The island's name was inspired by the shape of two glacial drumlins or hills, connected by a sand bar, which resembled a pair of spectacles to early European explorers.
The arrival of English colonists in Boston Harbor during the 1600s signaled the beginning of great changes for Spectacle Island. The first Bostonians began harvesting lumber for firewood and shipbuilding on islands in the harbor. In 1717, a makeshift quarantine station was built on Spectacle Island in an attempt to prevent the spread of disease in Boston, including the dreaded smallpox. Two summer resorts opened on Spectacle during the 1840s and became infamous for hosting gambling and other illicit activities until the hotels were closed by local authorities some years later.
In 1857, Mr. Nahum Ward built a horse-rendering plant on the island. Two range-lighthouses were also built on Spectacle Island to guide vessels into the inner harbor. In the 1920s, the City of Boston began using a section of Spectacle Island as a municipal garbage dump and grease plant. When the dumping ended in 1959, more than 30 acres had been added to the island, altering its topography forever.
Beginning in 1992, the Central Artery/Tunnel Project began to rehabilitate Spectacle Island. Over 3 million cubic yards of dirt, gravel, and clay excavated during the construction of the Ted Williams Tunnel were used to cap the island, and a seawall was built to prevent the erosion of polluted materials into the harbor. In addition, 2 to 5 feet of topsoil was laid down to allow the growth of trees and shrubs. When the capping was complete, Spectacle Island had passed through yet another metamorphosis, growing to one hundred and five acres.